Pre-Purchase Saints Row IV and get 3 exclusive Team Fortress 2 weapon costumes to use in Saints Row IV: The Rainblower, the Flamethrower and the Rocket Launcher, only with Pre-Purchases on Steam! — Saints Row IV Steam store page, prior to release
Taking a look at a bunch of awesome Steam workshop mods on Saints Row 4! Click here to learn more about the workshop Mod Contest: Weapons in Saints Row IV - Early leaked achievements for Saints Row IV named several weapons which did not appear in the final game, including "Glitch Gun" and "Micronizer", these weapons became the Bounce Rifle and Inflato-Ray, with their effects being changed into Super Power Elements. Mods at Saints Row 4 - Nexus This mod adds copies of the main character Homies (Shaundi, Asha, others listed above) that are wearing the clothes they wear during the mission, "The Saints Wing" AKA the White House outfits to the phone contacts list.
Weapons mod [Saints Row 2] [Skin Mods] - GameBanana A Saints Row 2 (SR2) Skin Mod in the Other/Misc category, by SloMoFio and Marvel Zombies Saints Row IV - Steam Community Saints Row IV Steam Workshop for Saints Row IV Create and download mods for Saints Row IV that add new weapons and clothing, run custom scripts, and change gameplay ... Saints Row 4 PC Best Mods | GameWatcher This Saints Row 4 mod was made to cover that exact reason. It supplies numerous additional cheats to Saints Row 4 to be used at your absolute leisure. It even repairs and reinserts cheats that have previously been removed! Just check out the lengthy list. You're sure to find something that will make your lifestyle in Saints Row 4 all the more easy.
Shitface & Fan of Saints' Expanded Arsenal Mod - Mod DB 21 Apr 2017 ... Originally posted on Saints Row Mods. This mod adds 20 new weapons to Saints Row IV, new superpower upgrades, and some general ... Downloads - Saints Row IV - Mod DB The US President must save the Earth from alien overlord Zinyak using an arsenal of superpowers and strange weapons in the wildest open world game ever. Saints Row 4 - Nexus Mods Closer camera mod for Saints Row IV. Camera/UI ... I made a few changes the murderbot weapons.You can ... Weapon Mods; By MrTroubleMaker. 39KB; 92; 4k .